Shiro Project Wiki


Whenever you win a battle, there is a chance to get an estate as a drop. Use these to increase resource regeneration. Affected resources are displayed on the bottom of the estate. In siege battles, areas with the [?] map preview, one of your active estates will be randomly chosen to be used for the battle.

Every active estate will increase your resources every 3 minutes depending on the bonuses they provide. Estate List can be seen below.

All the estates you have equipped all have a chance of being the map picked for siege battles.


As of now, you can have a maximum of 3 estates set at the same time. Completing Mission B2 will unlock the second slot, and B6 to unlock the third. You can have a maximum of 50 estates, including active ones.

You can still enter a battle when you reach the limit, but the button will glow yellow and say ※保有領土数が上限.




  1. Detail - View estate details.
  2. Change - View list of estates. You may change to another or sell unwanted ones here. More details below.
  3. Remove - Removes the estate from being activated, you won't lose the estate.

Change Estate[]


  1. Change - Changes the current estate to the selected one.
  2. Sell - Sells all estates whose tickbox is ticked. Tickbox is located before each estates' names.
  3. Sort - Changes how the estate list is sorted. Sort options are as follows:
    • By Acquisition
    • By Country
    • By Acquired Rice
    • By Acquired Wood
    • By Acquired Stone
    • By Acquired Iron
    • By Acquired Gold

Estate Bonuses[]

Name Kanji Name Difficulty Rice Rice Wood Wood Stone Stone Iron Iron Gold Gold
Mutsu 1 陸奥1 +2 +3
Mutsu 2 陸奥2 ★★ +10 +5
Dewa 1 出羽1 +3 +2
Hitachi 1 常陸1 +3 +2
Kouzuke 1 上野1 +2 +3
Shimotsuke 1 下野1 +5
Shimousa 1 下総1
Kazusa 1 上総1 +5
Kai 1 甲斐1 +2 +3
Shinano 1 信濃1 +5
Echigo 1 越後1 +3 +2
Ecchuu 1 越中1 +5
Noto 1 能登1 +5
Awa(Honshuu) 安房
Musashi 1 武蔵1 ★★ +5 +5
Sagami 1 相模1 ★★★ +5 +10
Suruga 1 駿河1
Mikawa 1 三河1
Owari 1 尾張1 ★★ +5 +5
Minou 1 美濃1 ★★ +5 +5
Echizen 1 越前1
Wakasa 1 若狭1
Oumi 1 近江1
Ise 1 伊勢1
Shima 1 志摩1
Iga 1 伊賀1 +5
Yamashiro 1 山城1 ★★★ +15
Settsu 1 摂津1 ★★★ +5 +10
Kawachi 1 河内1
Izumi 1 和泉1
Yamato 1 大和1 ★★ +10
Kii 1 紀伊1
Tango 1 丹後1
Harima 1 播磨1 +2 +3
Mimasaka 1 美作1
Awaji 1 淡路1
Bizen 1 備前1 ★★ +3 +2
Bicchuu 1 備中1 ★★ +3 +2
Bingo 1 備後1
Aki 1 安芸1 ★★ +10
Inaba 1 因幡1 +2 +3
Suou 1 周防1 +5
Houki 1 伯耆1
Izumo 1 出雲1
Oki 1 隠岐1
Iwami 1 石見1
Sanuki 1 讃岐1 ★★ +10
Awa(Shikoku) 1 阿波1 +3 +2
Iyo 1 伊予1 ★★ +4 +1
Tosa 1 土佐1 +5
Chikuzen 1 筑前1
Chikugo 1 筑後1
Tsushima 1 対馬1
Iki 1 壱岐1
Buzen 1 豊前1
Bungo 1 豊後1 ★★ +5
Hizen 1 肥前1
Higo 1 肥後1 ★★ +5
Hyuuga 1 日向1
Satsuma 1 薩摩1 ★★ +3 +2
Oosumi 1 大隅1
Ryuukyuu 1 琉球1 +3 +2